
About Greg M. Dodd

A native of South Carolina, Greg is a former IT professional and coffee shop owner. His four novels have received a total of twelve independent publishing book awards and honors. Having crafted relatable, realistic, and sometimes humorous character-driven stories in the Christian fiction genre with A Seed for the Harvest (2014) and The Gills Creek Five (2017), Greg explores coming-of-age themes in a 1974 summer beach setting in The Sea Turtle (2023). His latest award-winning work, The Ballad of Walker Owens (2024)is available in paperback, hardcover, Kindle, and Apple Books editions. While each of Greg's novels are unique in style and story, the savvy reader will note they share the same story universe. Greg earned both his bachelor's and master's degrees from the University of South Carolina and lives in Columbia, SC with his wife and two dogs.



Pat Rullo, host of Speak-up Talk Radio, interviewed Greg about his book, The Gills Creek Five. That interview can be downloaded by clicking here. A previous interview with Greg about A Seed for the Harvest can be downloaded by clicking here. Other interviews with Greg can be found on Edgy Christian Fiction and New Asian Writing.

Greg M. Dodd